Issuance of Tax Clearance / Certificate of Non Delinquency
Issuance of Tax Clearance / Certificate of Non Delinquency
This particular service verifies that an entity paid all its tax liabilities at the time the entity ceases to exist or is transferred to a new owner. Local Revenue Collection Clerk shall not issue tax clearance for either land or improvements if either one has not been paid in full. The authorized office (Municipal / Provincial) to issue tax clearance is where the payment has been made.
Office or Division : Office of the Municipal Treasurer - Land Tax Division
Classification : Simple
Types of Transaction : G2C- Government to Citizen/ G2B- Government to Business/
G2G- Government to Government
Who may avail: All
Checklist of Requirements
Step 1
Proceed to the Municipal Treasurer's Office - Land Tax Section
Agency Action:
Fees to be Paid: None
Processing Time : ~~~
Person Responsible:
Step 2
Secure queue number & wait for the number to be called
Agency Action:
2.1 Call the number issued to taxpayer/client
Fees to be Paid: None
Processing Time : ~~~
Person Responsible:
Johnny M. Pacia
Diary I. Castillo
Jasmin S. Baltazar
Lea R. Luistro
Step 3
Secure order of payment
Agency Action:
3.1 Issue orders of payment
Fees to be Paid: None
Processing Time : 30 seconds
Person Responsible:
Johnny M. Pacia
Diary I. Castillo
Jasmin S. Baltazar
Lea R. Luistro
Step 4
Payment of RPT Clearance at cashier's section
Agency Action:
4.1 Prepare tax clearance certificate
Fees to be Paid: Php50
Processing Time : 5 minutes
Person Responsible:
Johnny M. Pacia
Diary I. Castillo
Jasmin S. Baltazar
Lea R. Luistro
Step 5
Present Official Receipt to Land Tax Section
Agency Action:
5.1 Issues Tax Clearance Certificate
Fees to be Paid: None
Processing Time : 2 minutes
Person Responsible:
Johnny M. Pacia
Diary I. Castillo
Jasmin S. Baltazar
Lea R. Luistro