Issuance of Community Tax Certificate
Issuance of Community Tax Certificate
Community Tax Certificate is issued to an individual or corporation for proof that he has paid the dues arising from his income from business, exercise of profession and ownership of real properties in the local government. This is required in most government and private transactions. It is paid at the beginning of every year and a penalty is imposed if paid after February 28
Office or Division : Office of the Municipal Treasurer - Land Tax Division
Classification : Simple
Types of Transaction : G2C- Government to Citizen/ G2B- Government to Business/
G2G- Government to Government
Who may avail: All
Checklist of Requirements
Step 1
Proceed to the Municipal Treasurer's Office and fill up the form prepared for the purpose
Agency Action:
1.1 Compute the amount to be paid based on the information provided and fill out the information provided in the CTC
Fees to be Paid: None
Processing Time : 1-2 minutes
Person Responsible:
Regine Virtusio
Jovie Bacay
Lenilyn De Ocampo
Nelson De Chavez
Step 2
Affix the signature and thumb mark in three copies
Agency Action:
2.1 Revenue Collection Clerk sign the CTC for the Municipal Treasurer
Fees to be Paid: None
Processing Time : 1-5 minutes
Person Responsible:
Regine Virtusio
Jovie Bacay
Lenilyn De Ocampo
Nelson De Chavez
Step 3
Pay the amount computed and received the original copy of CTC
Agency Action:
3.1 Receive payment and issue the CTC
Fees to be Paid: Computed Amount
Processing Time : 1 minute
Person Responsible:
Regine Virtusio
Jovie Bacay
Lenilyn De Ocampo
Nelson De Chavez